Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Year in Review

Well, 2007 has come and gone. Its time to look back and decide if I wasted another year or actually enjoyed it while it was flying past my face. I had several resolutions for the past year. I can only remember a couple of them right now. The first was to become a better organized person. I was able to accomplish this at work. However, in my personal life I have decided that I really don't need or want that much structure. I didn't really decide that consciously until I wrote this but I think my brain subconsciously bailed out on organization long ago. The second resolution was to finish the many projects that I had started and let go idle. One of the projects was the arbor, it had several warped and cracked boards that needed to be replaced and stained. I completed this while I was still on top of my resolutions. The four other projects are lingering on the verge of completion. 1) Put cap blocks on the retaining wall beside the house 2) Register the boat, get life jackets and a throw able 3) Seal off several air leaks in the smoker and cut the grate out of expansion metal 4) Finish out the upstairs room (ohhhhh sooooo close). About three days of solid work and several hundred dollars to complete all these. I can't seem to remember the rest of my resolutions for 2007. Some highlights for the year include taking up running, Jim and Allison got married, Greg and Hallie got engaged, and me and Claire had our first baby on New Years Eve. Looking back on 2007, I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed the great moments and forgot about all the crappy ones. HA HA. As far as this years resolutions, I have not yet decided on any. As you can see from above, I didn't really follow them anyway. If I do decide on some I will let you know.

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