Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Long Time No See

Well, I have once again fallen down on my responsibilities of blogging. Here is the recap from my previous blog. The Memphis Ultra put on our first run. The attendance was a little lower than we had hoped, but we know what to fix for next time. It was definitely a learning expirience. Be on the look out for some type of run in the fall. The next race was the Nashville Marathon. We had a large crew of family and friends all go stay in Nashville for the weekend. Some were running and some were spectating. I got to see my twin sister who lives in Knoxville. She was there to see her friend run the half. I like the Nashville Marathon. There is constantly something to look at and there are thousands of spectators. I ran the whole race with Holly. It was her first marathon. Although she has completed the Stump Jump 50K, she had yet to run a road marathon. I think she had a good time. She started to look kinda mean around mile 22 of the race. She put on her "Its time for this to end face". We ended up finishing together around 4:30. Check out the picture on her blog of us coming to the finish line. Our family only got one picture and I am completely blocking all of Holly. Oops. The next race was the Chatanooga Trail Marathon. We were supposed to have the original Stump Jump Crew heading back to Chatanooga but, Patrick and Holly ended up bailing out. So me and Drew headed out on Friday night, checked into the hotel, went to bed, woke up, ran a marathon and drove home. Round trip 24 hours & 10 minutes. It was fast. We ran pretty close together for most of the race. In the first half, we were trading spots but always within about a minute of each other. Then we joined up for the second half. Our splits were roughly the same. He ended up finishing about a minute in front of me around 4:39:00. On the non-running side of life, I have been running around like a crazy lunatic. This is the time of year when everyone wants some type of yardwork done. Long hours and too much crap to think about are driving me crazy. I don't understand how some people have made it this far in life without accidentaly wandering out in traffic. Some people are just idiots that have no clue. INSERT VERBAL ABUSE HERE. There must be something in the water. Anyway, I can bore you with my survival of the stupidest later. My wedding anniversary is on thursday of this week. It will be four years. Time flys. Ella kate is getting bigger by the day and she has started rolling over now. Claire is doing good working from the house and tending the tater tot. Her mom and sister come help out when Claire has to run to appointments. You already know about what I am up to. I have decided, that I need to try and juggle a little more running into my routine. I have slowly been whittling down my miles each week until for the past two weeks I have not run at all. Booo me. I am going to get back on the horse.

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